We would like to inform Users that the web page for PORTES BISBAL, S.L. www.angelmir.com and www.angelmironline.com uses cookies for internal operating processes.
PORTES BISBAL, S.L. via our web page, will use cookies when the User navigates on the website for www.angelmir.com and www.angelmironline.com. The cookies are solely associated to one anonymous User and their computer and they do not supply references which allow us to deduce the User’s name and surname. Thanks to these cookies, it is possible to identify registered Users once these have registered for the first time, without having to register at each visit in order to access areas and services which have been reserved exclusively for them. The User has the option of blocking cookies by selecting the corresponding option on their navigator.
Cookies are small files in which navigators save information during visits to web pages and they permit a web page, amongst other things, to save and retrieve information about the User’s navigation habits or their equipment and, depending on the information contained and the way in which the equipment is used, can be used to recognise the User anonymously without being able to deduce their personal details. Cookies can collect data such as the IP address, the address which has been visited, the operating system, the navigation language as well as other information. This information cannot be associated to any particular person, but can only be used for statistical information in order to analyse visibility of different content on the web page. Cookies are an essential part of Internet functions, contributing to countless developments and improving the experience and service for the User. They facilitate navigation, use and provision of interactive services.
Depending upon which entity manages the domain and processes the data where the cookies are sent, two types of cookies can be identified: their own and those of third parties.
There is also in existence a second type of classification depending upon the amount of time during which the cookies are stored on the client’s navigator, these being session cookies or persistent cookies.
Lastly, there are another five classifications of cookies depending upon the use of data obtained: technical cookies, personalised cookies, analytical cookies, publicity cookies and behavioural advertising cookies.
IN ORDER TO USE COOKIES AT www.angelmir.com – www.angelmironline.com
PORTES BISBAL, S.L. uses cookies on its web page solely for the following reasons:
1. With a means to publicity: to analyse the User’s preferences.
2. With a means to analysis: to be able to improve the web page.
From this website we would like to inform you that our web page uses cookies to analyse User’s navigation.
Cookies are files which are installed in the equipment which is being used to access our web page for the above mentioned purposes.
The application which is used to obtain and analyse navigation information is Google Analytics:
www.google.com/analytics/i www.google.es/intl/es/analytics/privacyoverview.html.
This application has been developed by Google, who provides us with an analytical service of the audience of our page.
This company can use data to improve its own services and to be able to offer services to other companies. You may learn about these and other uses from the indicated links.
This tool does not obtain data regarding names and surnames of Users or postal addresses from which they are connected. The information they obtain is related to, for example, the number of pages visited, the language, social network where our news is published, the city to which the User’s IP address is assigned, the number of Users who visit us, frequency and recurrence of visits, length of visits, navigator which is being used and the operator or type of terminal used for the visit.
This information is used to improve our page, detect new needs and value the improvements introduced with an ends to offering a better service for the Users who visit us.
If you wish to permit, know, block or eliminate the cookies installed on your system you can do this from the settings on the navigator options installed on your system.
You can find information on how to do this in the case of using one of the following navigators:
Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we
Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647
Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9
Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042
Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/11.50/es-ES/cookies.html
If you block the use of cookies on your navigator it is possible that some servers or functions on the web page may not be available.